Caught-in/between incidents are among OSHA’s Big Four Construction Hazards, along with falls, electrocution and struck-by incidents. A report from the Center for Construction Research and Training reveals an increase in fatalities resulting from these preventable accidents. from HSI Blog Book your training today.

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You may have noticed a new look to our SafeTec website. The improved navigation and content consolidation makes it easier to explore our primary service offerings, with dedicated pages for safety data sheet (SDS) management, SDS authoring, on-site inventory and the 24-hour emergency response hotline.  We’ve also created a collection of downloadable resources and other […]

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Have you submitted your annual workplace injuries and illness report to OSHA yet? If your organization falls into a category where such reporting is required, can you easily access the incident information you need to meet your compliance obligations? from HSI Blog Book your training today.

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When it comes to emergency care training, hands-on learning and skills practice sessions are the name of the game. Opportunities to demonstrate newly learned skills under the direction of a trained instructor help students remember their course content, and builds the confidence to respond in an actual emergency. from HSI Blog Book your training […]

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