Rules For Proper Secondary Container Labeling

When a chemical is transferred from its original container to another, the second storage device is referred to as a “secondary container” or “workplace container.” Given the common practice of transferring chemicals from one container to another, OSHA has included requirements for proper secondary container labeling as part of the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to ensure workers are aware of the chemicals they are exposed to. The most recent revision of HCS aligns U.S. hazardous chemical labeling standards with those of the international GHS (Globally Harmonized System of Labeling and Classifications), making it easier for everyone to understand the hazards related to chemicals nationally and internationally. Though hazardous chemical label requirements dictated by GHS have been made very clear, many are still confused as to how and if requirements for secondary container labels have changed, and if so, what those requirements are.

from HSI Blog

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